Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Movie night with Nixon....great in theory.

* Here's a parenting tip for you: Don't watch a movie with your 4-year old that you haven't pre-seen and expected to catch the whole thing. Every few minutes you will hear "Mommy, why did he do that?" and "Oh no! What's wrong?" and "Mommy, what's going on?". When you don't answer, because you really want to try to watch the movie (silly Mommy), the questioning will get louder and the child will get closer to your face thinking the issue is you can't hear him, not that you are choosing to ignore him!
There is a solution: snuggles! I ended up snuggling Nixon in my lap and whispering that I couldn't answer his questions but I loved watching the movie with him. He was still bothering Mac but that's another issue for a different day.

* Mac says to me, after he tucked Nixon into bed "Do you know Nixon just told me that Amber is mine and his cat?". Umm, yeah, because he's been telling me that for weeks. Nixon says "Daddy and I share Amber. She is both our cat. Arwen is just you cat Mommy, because she loves you the most. But Amber loves me and Daddy best." True fact, son.

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